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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 30 Jun 1998

Vol. 493 No. 3

Written Answers. - Health Board Services.

John McGuinness


297 Mr. McGuinness asked the Minister for Health and Children if his Department will investigate an application, which was submitted to the South-Eastern Health Board and the Irish Wheelchair Association but was not supported due to lack of funds, for a person (details supplied) in County Kilkenny for funding to cover the cost of a sterling diplomat scooter 406; where he can seek funding in view of the urgent nature of the case and, because of the non-availability of the scooter, he has been unable to leave his home for two years unattended; the amount of funds allocated to the South-Eastern Health Board for electric wheelchairs and scooters; the way in which these funds were allocated; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16138/98]

The provision of aids and appliances to persons with a physical or sensory disability is a matter solely for the relevant health board. Accordingly, I have written to the chief executive officer of the South-Eastern Health Board and asked him to have this case examined and to reply directly to the Deputy. I allocated an additional £3 million to the health boards this year for the development of services for persons with physical and sensory disabilities. The South-Eastern Health Board received £318,000 from this funding for the development of these services in its functional area. The board will decide, in consultation with the local co-ordinating committee for people with physical and sensory disabilities, on priorities for expenditure of this funding. I also allocated an additional £3 million capital funding this year for the above mentioned services. Proposals by the health boards for the expenditure of this funding, including proposals for increased expenditure on aids and appliances, are under consideration by my Department. This funding will be allocated to the boards in the near future.
