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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 3 Dec 1998

Vol. 497 No. 7

Written Answers - Job Creation.

Jan O'Sullivan


50 Ms. O'Sullivan asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the progress, if any, in job creation for Limerick and surrounding districts as a result of the establishment of the jobs task force; and the proposals, if any, which have emerged particularly in view of the recent Krupps closure. [26113/98]

The inter-agency task force set up to deal with the impact of the closure of Krupps is now in full operation and focusing on securing alternative jobs for the workers and addressing their retraining needs. Finding a replacement industry for Limerick is also a key priority.

I am aware that FÁS has held a series of meetings with the company and a strategy has been agreed to undertake a training requirement analysis with a view to identifying job placement opportunities. IDA Ireland has commenced an intensive marketing programme of Limerick and its resources and I expect to see the beginning of a response to this campaign in the coming months. The company is undertaking a detailed evaluation of the site and buildings so as to be able to make the best possible options available to any prospective industries which IDA Ireland may bring to visit the facility.

With regard to job creation generally in the Limerick area, fortunately, the region has shared in and contributed to economic growth and seen tremendous development across a range of sectors and activities. Manufacturing employment in the region has increased by over 20 per cent since 1993. The area has a quality infrastructure and its proximity to Shannon Airport and the University of Limerick is a strong attraction for overseas investment.

On 18 November, I was pleased to announced that HADCO Corporation of the USA is to establish an operation at the national technological park, Limerick. The company will initially establish its customer and engineering services centre, with 70 jobs, to meet the design and support the needs of its customers. Once the centre is operational HADCO will seek to establish a manufacturing facility, which would account for up to 80 new jobs. Recruitment of the employees is to begin immediately.

These latest job opportunities for the region are in addition to substantial numbers of new jobs being provided by companies such as Dell Computer, PKS Systems, Martin Dawes and Fullerton, which are continuing to build up their employment in the Limerick area. Shannon Development and the IDA Ireland are committed to ensuring that these advances in job creation continue.

Austin Deasy


51 Mr. Deasy asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the progress, if any, made by the task force which was set up to create alternative industry in Dungarvan, County Waterford, due to the closure of the Waterford Foods plant; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [26097/98]

Following the Avonmore Waterford Group announcement of its rationalisation programme involving major job losses, two task forces were established by the group in December, 1997 with representation from the group, State agencies, local authority and other interests. The objectives of the task forces, that is the south-east task force and the Dublin north-east task force, may be summarised as follows: attracting replacement industry and new employment into the areas affected; and assisting the employees faced with redundancy to find alternative employment.

Investment and development funds totalling £7.5 million and funded by the Avonmore Waterford Group and the European Union were established to encourage the development of new enterprises and infrastructure to support job creation activities in the areas affected by the group's rationalisation programme. The group set up a job centre in Dungarvan in response to the needs of displaced employees and has been fully supported by the industrial development agencies in finding alternative employment.

The south-east task force submitted an interim report in May. It contained a wide range of recommendations which are being implemented or pursued. These covered areas such as the attraction of new industrial and other investment, training and infrastructure. A number of major new projects have been announced for the Dungarvan area, for example, expansions by Stafford and Miller, and Radley Engineering, and new greenfield projects by Century Homes and Microbrush Incorporated. The job potential involved in these projects is over 350.
