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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 17 Dec 1998

Vol. 498 No. 6

Written Answers - FÁS Training Programmes.

Richard Bruton


59 Mr. R. Bruton asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the number of persons with a disability to receive training from FÁS following the transfer to FÁS of responsibility in this area from 1 January 1999; the quantitative and qualitative targets in different areas of training and employment service which she has set for FÁS in respect of this new responsibility; and the process of monitoring which is being put in place to ensure that this transfer delivers effective service. [28245/98]

Specialised training for people with disabilities is currently carried out by health boards and private and voluntary agencies. When responsibility for vocational training for people with disabilities transfers to my Department, training will continue to be carried out by the specialised agencies. FÁS will oversee this training.

At the same time, FÁS will begin a process of mainstreaming training and employment services, other than rehabilitative training, for all people with disabilities.

Targets in relation to services for people with disabilities will be set when the transfer of responsibility takes place. These targets will be backed up by appropriate monitoring systems to ensure that the transfer of responsibilities delivers effective service.

Richard Bruton


60 Mr. R. Bruton asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the shortcomings, if any, identified by the recent audit of FÁS by the National Rehabilitation Board in view of the imminent transfer to FÁS of responsibility for vocational training of persons with a disability; the investments or improvements, if any, being undertaken by FÁS to remedy any shortcomings; if these improvements will be in place by 1 January 1999; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [28246/98]

The audit carried out by the National Rehabilitation Board on behalf of FÁS identified a range of modifications required to FÁS premises to improve their accessibility for people with disabilities.

FÁS is analysing the National Rehabilitation Board's report with a view to prioritising the various improvements required. The improvements will be made on a phased basis. Where renovations are currently under way at FÁS premises, the findings of the audit are being addressed.