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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 18 Feb 1999

Vol. 500 No. 6

Written Answers. - Electricity Generation.

Liz McManus


38 Ms McManus asked the Minister for Public Enterprise the meetings, if any, she has held with Marathon, Northern Ireland Electricity and IVO/ELF in relation to the implementation of the electricity directive; the requests made of her in relation to the implementation of the directive; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [4582/99]

I met at their request representatives of Marathon, Northern Ireland Electricity and IVO/Elf on one occasion each as part of the ongoing consultation process relating to the implementation of EU Directive 96/92/EC on the completion of the internal market in electricity. I have also met various other parties including the board and management of ESB, the ESB group of unions and IBEC.

My Department officials have met with a wide range of interests. I have appointed Mr. Phil Flynn as my special adviser in this important and complex area.

Two public consultation documents were issued, in May 1997 and in May 1998, both of which attracted a significant degree of interest and comment. A public forum debate on the implementation of the directive, organised by my Department, took place in January 1998.

Both Marathon and Northern Ireland Electricity have made submissions in response to the consultation documents. They are far too detailed to reproduce here but I am arranging to send the Deputy copies of their comments.

I will endeavour to summarise the main requests made by potential independent power producers including those mentioned in the Deputy's question. In general, they have requested the early provision of relevant information, in particular in relation to connection and use of system charges and the electricity trading and settlement arrangements. On the latter issue, there has been no uniform request for a particular type of system.

Prospective entrants have also requested information on the regulatory regime and have also sought reassurance that they will be able to com pete on a fair basis. I have indicated to them that it is my intention to implement the directive in such a way that viable competition can take place for eligible customers in the 28 per cent segment of the market which is being opened initially, rising to 32 per cent in 2003.