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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 29 Apr 1999

Vol. 504 No. 1

Written Answers. - Irish Language.

Derek McDowell


20 Mr. McDowell asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands the proposals, if any, she has to commission qualitative research in relation to spoken Irish in the Gaeltacht and throughout the country; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [11161/99]

My Department is at present examining the possibility of implementing a language strategy in certain Gaeltacht areas on a pilot basis. Such a strategy would involve inter alia the identification of the problems and difficulties facing the language in the Gaeltacht, possible remedies for these problems and the implementation of a plan of action. While appropriate research would of course be an integral part of such a project, I have no plans at present to commission specific research for the purpose of assessing the use of Irish in the Gaeltacht.

In regard to the position of spoken Irish outside the Gaeltacht, I understand from Bord na Gaeilge that it regularly commissions Irish marketing surveys to include questions relating to attitudes, ability and use of Irish in a national omnibus survey. The most recent one – in December 1998 – confirms a fairly stable situation with about 11 per cent speaking Irish daily (or several times a week).

The board also regularly collects data on various aspects of the use of Irish by public bodies. For example, a recent report noted a 7 per cent increase to 47 per cent in the number of bodies conducting business through Irish with the public.

An expert group was established by the board in 1998 under the chairmanship of Professor P. Ó Riagáin of ITE, to give advice on research matters relating to Irish. I understand that the board is presently examining the research needs for the promotion of Irish in an all Ireland context.
