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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 26 Jan 2000

Vol. 513 No. 1

Written Answers. - Services for People With Disabilities.

John Gormley


389 Mr. Gormley asked the Minister for Health and Children his views on the independent living fund which could be used by disabled people to employ personal assistants; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1149/00]

The establishment of an independent living fund has been proposed by the Centre for Independent Living as a means of funding a personal assistance service. The personal assistance service is part of a range of support services for people with physical and sensory disabilities designed to enable them to live in the community with the maximum possible degree of independence. My policy is to develop the range of services as a whole in accordance with the recommendations of the report of the review group on health and personal social services for people with physical and sensory disabilities, Towards an Independent Future.

To date the Government has provided a total of £66.985 million for the maintenance and development of services in the sector, including capital developments. This year £7 million development funding has been allocated for ser vices for people with physical and sensory disabilities, rising to £14 million in the year 2001. This funding will be primarily targeted at the provision of additional day care places and home support services. To this end, I have targeted £3 million, rising to £6 million in the year 2001, for home support services, which includes personal assistance services.
I have no plans at present to introduce an independent living fund, as proposed by the Centre for Independent Living, as a means of funding the personal assistance service. Priorities for the allocation of development funding are decided by the health boards in consultation with the regional co-ordinating committees for physical and sensory disability services. Voluntary sector service agencies, including centres for independent living and service users are represented on these committees.