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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 1 Mar 2000

Vol. 515 No. 4

Written Answers. - School Accommodation.

Dinny McGinley


167 Mr. McGinley asked the Minister for Education and Science if an application has been received for extra accommodation for Letterbric School, County Donegal; the extra accommodation required; the stage the proposed development is at; and when work will commence on the project. [6382/00]

I take it that the Deputy is referring to Taodhbhog national school.

I can confirm that an application has been received from the management authorities of the above school for grant aid towards improved accommodation. My Department's planning and building unit is currently assessing the future accommodation requirements of the school. When this examination has been completed the matter will be progressed further having regard to the large number of school building projects on hand within my Department.
