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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 14 Jun 2000

Vol. 521 No. 2

Written Answers. - School Staffing.

John McGuinness


164 Mr. McGuinness asked the Minister for Education and Science if his attention has been drawn to the urgent needs of a person (details supplied) in County Kilkenny who attends Lady Well boys national school and requires a teacher-aid as the time given by the remedial teacher is inadequate; if he will arrange a report on the case to determine the assistance required; and when it can be offered and put in place. [16846/00]

The pupil referred to by the Deputy is currently receiving remedial teacher support. In addition, my Department has sanctioned three hours resource teacher support per week to cater for his special educational needs.

My Department's inspectorate is currently investigating whether additional special support is warranted. Upon receipt of the inspector's report, my Department will be in contact with the school authorities in relation to this matter.

Willie Penrose


165 Mr. Penrose asked the Minister for Education and Science if he has sanctioned an additional permanent teacher and a resource teacher for a school (details supplied) in County Westmeath; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16858/00]

The enrolment of the school referred to by the Deputy on 30 September 1999 was 84 pupils. The authorised staffing for the 2000-01 school year warranted by the enrolment is a principal plus two mainstream class teachers.

The managerial authority of the school has sought the appointment of an additional mainstream class teacher for the 2000-01 school year under the maximum class size guidelines. The case is currently being examined by my Department and the board will be advised of the position in the near future.

The school also has the services of a shared remedial teacher and my Department has also approved the appointment of a home-school liaison teacher on a part-time basis.

My Department's inspectorate is currently investigating an application for resource teaching support.

As soon as the inspectors report has been received and considered, my Department will be in touch with the school authorities.

Trevor Sargent


166 Mr. Sargent asked the Minister for Education and Science if his attention has been drawn to the serious impending problem of overcrowding in St. Helen's junior national school, Portmarnock, County Dublin, unless the 10th assistant post is retained on a concessionary basis from 1 September 2000; and if he will take into account the services this school provides to pupils with special needs when considering this matter. [16859/00]

The staffing of a primary school for a particular year is determined by reference to the number of pupils enrolled in the school on the 30 September of the previous year. The actual number of mainstream posts sanctioned is determined by reference to a staffing schedule. The staffing schedule is determined for a particular year following discussions with the managerial authorities and the INTO.

The current staffing of St. Helen's junior national school is a principal and ten mainstream class teachers based on an enrolment of 274 as at 30 September 1998. The school also has the services of a remedial teacher.

The enrolment as at 30 September, 1999, on which the staffing for the 2000-01 school year is based, was 264. Under the staffing schedule, this enrolment entitles the school to nine mainstream class teachers. The enrolment requirement for the retention of the 10th teacher is 270. Unfortunately, despite the circumstances outlined by the Deputy, the enrolment does not meet the requirement for a 10th teacher.

However, the school has the option of examining its position in relation to developing status. The awarding of a developing school post is conditional on a school satisfying specific criteria i.e. a school which has less than 298 pupils is required to increase its enrolment by 25 pupils in one school year relative to the previous school year, and to exceed the point at which the next assistant's post is due by a minimum of five pupils. The school may contact the officials of my Department in this regard should the criteria apply.

In relation to the special needs of the school, these details should be forwarded by the board of management to officials in the special education section of my Department in Athlone.
