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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 20 Jun 2000

Vol. 521 No. 4

Written Answers. - Post-Primary Teachers' Payroll.

Brendan Howlin


281 Mr. Howlin asked the Minister for Education and Science if teachers on EPT contract are entitled to the same conditions of employment as permanent teachers, in view of the fact that EPT contracts are from year to year; the purpose of having school principals provide details in May of the teachers who will return to work in September when, in the case of EPT teachers, salary payments under new contracts beginning on 1 August are not paid until late September; his views on whether this is equitable treatment of EPT teachers; the steps, if any, he will take to ensure that salary payments to EPT teachers are paid on time; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [17196/00]

The post-primary teachers' payroll is operated by my Department on behalf of the authorities of voluntary secondary, community and comprehensive schools for the payment of incremental salary to almost 18,000 eligible teachers, including EPTs, employed by these schools. Salary payments are issued to these teachers on a fortnightly basis.

With regard to EPTs, school authorities have been advised that there will be no interruption in the payment of salary in the case of EPTs who were employed by them in the 1999-2000 school year and for whom nominations by the same school authority for continued payment of salary are submitted to my Department by 14 July 2000. All others proposed for appointment as EPTs will be paid on 7 September, 2000 provided that the necessary documentation has been submitted by 14 July and that it has been confirmed by Monday 4 September that each proposed appointee is eligible for payment of incremental salary and s/he has taken up teaching duty.
