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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 3 Oct 2000

Vol. 523 No. 1

Written Answers. - Care of the Elderly.

Michael Ring


521 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Health and Children the reason the Western Health Board is insisting that a person (details supplied) in County Mayo has to pay £400 by way of a contribution towards works approved under the special housing aid for the elderly scheme when she cannot afford to pay it; and if he will intervene to waive the contribution for this case and ensure that the works proceed without delay. [19348/00]

As the Deputy may be aware, the special housing aid scheme for the elderly is administered by the Western Health Board on behalf of the Department of the Environment and Local Government.

I asked the chief executive officer of the Western Health Board to investigate this matter and reply directly to the Deputy as a matter of urgency. I understand from the board that this matter has since been resolved with the person in question agreeing to pay a contribution of £300 for the works involved under the housing aid scheme. Quotations for the works have been received and work should commence within the next few weeks.
