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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 8 Nov 2000

Vol. 525 No. 3

Written Answers. - Airport Safety.

Michael Joe Cosgrave


179 Mr. Cosgrave asked the Minister for Public Enterprise if she will ensure that the review group examining air safety red zones at airports will meet with the residents group of St. Margaret's, County Dublin. [25139/00]

My Department and the Department of the Environment and Local Government established a working group in June 2000 to examine the question of a public safety zone in the vicinity of Dublin airport, having regard to the present and likely future patterns of air traffic movements to and from the airport.

The role of the group is to define the size and configuration of such a zone, with the intention that it will be incorporated in Fingal County Council's land use planning. Fingal County Council, the Irish Aviation Authority and Aer Rianta are also members of the group. It is also intended that similar public safety zones will be established in due course in respect of the other Irish airports.

The working group is in the process of appointing consultants to assist it in its work. Once the consultants are engaged, they and the working group can decide which groups it would be most beneficial to interact with and arrangements for any necessary contacts can be made accordingly.
