My Department recently published the findings of an independent evaluation of the back to work allowance scheme which was carried out by Indecon International Economic Consultants.
The report follows extensive research, including a survey of people who have participated in the scheme and who were no longer receiving payment. In addition a postal survey was carried out of employers who employed recipients of the allowance and consultations took place with interested organisations such as the Irish National Organisation for the Unemployed, the Irish Congress of Trade Unions and the Irish Business and Employers Confederation.
The report found that the scheme was affected by high levels of deadweight in that many of those entering the scheme would have found work without the financial support the scheme provides. It recommended, in the light of this finding and in the light of the current tight labour market situation, that the scheme be refocused on the longer-term unemployed, that the non-financial supports available under the scheme be enhanced and that the overall numbers on the scheme be reduced.
The scheme has been highly successful since its implementation and has provided a route out of unemployment for significant numbers of long-term unemployed persons. I am happy that the scheme has still a significant role to play in assisting people who are on the live register and other groups of welfare recipients such as people with disabilities, the disabled, lone parents and former carers to re-enter the world of work.