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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 20 Mar 2001

Vol. 532 No. 4

Written Answers. - Dublin Traffic Management.

Frances Fitzgerald


408 Ms Fitzgerald asked the Minister for the Environment and Local Government if he has considered allowing motor cyclists to use bus lanes and quality bus corridors. [7562/01]

Ruairí Quinn


424 Mr. Quinn asked the Minister for the Environment and Local Government if he has received representations regarding the use of bus lanes and quality bus corridors by motor cyclists; if his Department has indicated its attitude to those local authorities which have bus lanes and quality bus corridors within their area; if he is prepared to recommend that motor cyclists be legally empowered to use bus lanes and quality bus corridors; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [7767/01]

Olivia Mitchell


429 Ms O. Mitchell asked the Minister for the Environment and Local Government if, in the interests of safety, he will permit powered two wheeled vehicles to use bus lanes in line with the recommendation of Dublin Corporation and in view of the vast increase in this mode of travel in an effort to combat traffic congestion. [7907/01]

I propose to take Questions Nos. 408, 424 and 429 together.

The primary purpose of bus lanes and quality bus corridors is to facilitate mass transport in urban areas. Accordingly, access to bus lanes has been restricted to omnibuses, large public service vehicles and, in relation to with flow bus lanes only, taxis and pedal cycles.

The view has been taken that access to bus lanes by motorcyclists is not necessitated on road safety grounds and could indeed compromise the safe cycling environment for pedal cyclists which bus lanes and quality bus corridors aim to provide. As indicated in my response to a Dáil Adjournment motion on 26 October 2000, it is understood from the UK Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, that several pilot schemes-studies regarding the use of bus lanes by motor cycles have been conducted in the United Kingdom. The experience of these studies has not yet resulted in any alteration of the general position in the UK whereby motorcycles are not permitted to use bus lanes.

Arrangements for considering the feasibility of pilot tests in this country, to which I referred in a Dáil debate of 26 October 2000, are being addressed in consultation with the Dublin Transportation Office and other relevant bodies.
