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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 30 May 2001

Vol. 537 No. 3

Written Answers. - Housing Sector.


176 Mr. Hayes asked the Minister for the Environment and Local Government the reason housing registrations for the Dublin area have fallen dramatically in the first six month period of 2001. [14377/01]

I assume the Deputy is referring to HomeBond registrations. The most up to date information available from HomeBond, which is for the first four months of 2001, shows that there were 2,561 registrations in Dublin city and county compared to 3,475 for the same period in 2000. However, registrations for the first half of 2000 were exceptionally high due to a change in HomeBond administrative procedures which took effect in January 2000 and led to the bringing forward of registrations in that period. Accordingly, a direct comparison of the 2001 and 2000 figures is somewhat misleading. By contrast, a comparison of the registrations in Dublin city and county for the first four months of 2001 – 2,561 – shows that they are at the same level as the equivalent period in 1999 – 2,563.


177 Mr. Hayes asked the Minister for the Environment and Local Government the number of areas of the country where the Government intends to designate lands for the purposes of establishing housing under the strategic development zones as provided for in the Planning and Development Act, 2000; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [14378/01]

I refer to the reply to Question No. 178 of 17 May 2001. The position is unchanged.
