The protection of the architectural heritage is primarily a matter for the planning authorities. My role is to provide advice to planning authorities in the exercise of their functions. This is reinforced in the recently enacted Local Government (Planning and Development) Act, 1999.
Under the provisions of the Act, each planning authority shall, for the purpose of protecting structures, or parts of structures, which are of special architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest, include in its development plan a record of protected structures within its functional area. This legislation places a duty of care on the owners of protected structures and also gives planning authorities enhanced powers, not only to deal with development proposals affecting them, but also to safeguard their future. This is the proper framework for the protection of our architectural heritage.
Under section 4 of the Act, I may recommend to a planning authority that specific structures be included in its record of protected structures. A planning authority must have regard, under the Act, to any recommendation made by me. However, a decision may be made not to comply with a recommendation, provided that an explanation is made outlining the reasons why inclusion in the record of protected structures is considered inappropriate.
As the Deputy is aware, last February I recommended to Sligo Borough Council that a total of 284 structures be placed on its record of protected structures. I am aware of the decisions taken by Sligo Borough Council on 11 June 2001. However, the Deputy will appreciate that, under the legislation, responsibility for the making of an addition to, or a deletion from, a record of protected structures rests with the elected representatives.