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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 11 Oct 2001

Vol. 542 No. 1

Written Answers. - Consultancy Contracts.

Michael Ring


105 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Social, Community and Family Affairs if he will supply all information regarding consultancy assignments undertaken with the Department; and the fees paid to each consultant for each assignment. [23569/01]

I draw the Deputy's attention to my reply to his parliamentary question of Thursday, 4 October in which I advised him that information in relation to consultancy assignments would be supplied by my Department on request. I have been advised by my Department that, in anticipation of such a request from the Deputy, information in relation to consultancy assignments undertaken by the Department since June 1997 is being compiled. It has not been possible, in the time available, to prepare that information in response to the Deputy's current parliamentary question. I have been further advised, however, that this process is near completion and a letter enclosing the information will issue to him in the very near future.
