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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 27 Nov 2001

Vol. 545 No. 1

Written Answers. - Water and Sewerage Schemes.

Austin Deasy


100 Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources if he received a communication from Waterford County Council in July 2001 agreeing to accept the conditions attached to their application for a foreshore licence for the provision of a sewerage scheme at Cheekpoint, County Waterford; if so, the reason he has not acted on this; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [29484/01]

In November 2000, my Department forwarded to Waterford County Council for consideration and subject to my approval, a draft foreshore licence in relation to the provision of a sewerage scheme at Cheekpoint. The draft included a specific requirement for the retrofitting of an ultra violet or equivalent disinfection system if such a system was considered by me to be necessary in the light of the results of monitoring shellfish in the area.

Waterford County Council advised my Department in July 2001 that it was prepared to accept the draft foreshore licence subject only to the outcome of negotiations between my Department and the Department of the Environment and Local Government in relation to the detail of the tertiary treatment required. Those negotiations centre on detailed implementation of my decision on 8 May 2001 that there must be tertiary treatment, including ultra violet or equivalent disinfection of sewage in any case where there are shellfish and are expected to conclude shortly when a submission will be made to me.