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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 10 Oct 2002

Vol. 555 No. 1

Written Answers. - Tax Incentives.

Bernard Allen


118 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Transport the way in which it is envisaged the tax breaks offered for the provision of park and ride facilities will operate. [17583/02]

Park and ride tax incentives are provided for in the Finance Act, 1999, and the Finance Act, 2001. The qualifying period for the incentives was extended to June 2004 in the Finance Act, 2002. A person wishing to avail of the capital allowances and reliefs available must make a formal application in writing to the relevant local authority. If the local authority is satisfied that the park and ride facility, and associated development, where relevant, conforms to the guidelines issued by the Department of the Environment and Local Government and also conforms with the relevant sections of the Finance Act, it may issue a certificate which will enable the developer to avail of the tax incentives.

In August 1999, the Department of the Environment and Local Government issued local authorities with guidelines relating to the certification of qualifying park and ride facilities and residential development located at a park and ride facility. Guidelines on commercial development located at a park and ride facility were issued in July 2001. Copies of the guidelines have been made available in the Oireachtas Library.
