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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 22 Oct 2002

Vol. 555 No. 5

Written Answers. - Departmental Funding.

Mary Upton


407 Dr. Upton asked the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs further to his reply to Parliamentary Question No. 1617 of 9 October 2002, when officials from his Department will be in touch with the organisation referred; and if there are difficulties concerning tax clearance procedures or in the provision of satisfactory accounts. [19001/02]

The purpose of the scheme of community support for older people is to improve the security and social support of vulnerable older people. This funding is provided by way of grant aid to voluntary groups and organisations who have undertaken to identify those elderly people in need of assistance under the scheme. Voluntary or community based groups seeking funding under the scheme must satisfy the defined eligibility criteria of the scheme, comply with Government tax clearance procedures and provide satisfactory accounts in respect of previously paid grants. They are also required to submit receipts and vouchers to the total value of the grant received.

I am anxious that this scheme continues to operate in a way that benefits the most vulnerable older people in our society. With this in mind, my Department keeps the administrative procedures applying to the scheme under review and makes amendments as appropriate. My Department also monitors the scheme on an on-going basis to ensure that those organisations receiving funding under the scheme are complying with all the schemes regulations and requirements.

The organisation referred to by the Deputy is one of the voluntary organisations who have submitted applications for funding in recent years. I can confirm that applications for 2002 from this organisation have recently been received in various regional offices of the Department of Social and Family Affairs, who are currently administering the scheme on behalf of my Department. My Department is examining recent material submitted by the organisation in respect of outstanding accounts in respect of previously paid grants. Representatives from my Department are engaged in ongoing communication with the organisation mentioned in this regard. My Department will begin processing 2002 applications from this organisation when it is satisfied that all outstanding information has been supplied.
