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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 21 Nov 2002

Vol. 557 No. 6

Written Answers. - Orthodontic Service.

Dan Neville


63 Mr. Neville asked the Minister for Health and Children the number of meetings which have taken place of the review group established by the chief executive officers of the public orthodontic service which is considering the recommendations of the report of the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Health and Children; and the membership of this review group. [22834/02]

As the Deputy is aware, the delivery of orthodontic services is a matter for the chief executive officers of the health boards in the first instance. The chief executive officers established a review group on the public orthodontic service which is considering the recommendations of the Joint Committee on Health and Children in the context both of the historical development of the service and of the national health strategy. The chairperson of this group has informed me that it was established on 23 April 2002 with the following terms of reference: to review and report on progress to date on the recommendations set out in the Moran report; to consider the recommendations in the February 2002 report of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children; and to make revised recommendations and prepare and cost an action plan in the context of the approach set out in the national health strategy "Quality and Fairness – a Health System for you".

The following people were nominated to the group: chairman, Mr. Paul Robinson, chief executive officer, North Eastern Health Board; deputy chair, Mr. Billy Moran; Mr. Brian Burke, consultant orthodontist, East Coast Area Health Board; Mr. Ted McNamara, consultant orthodontist, Mid-Western Health Board; Ms Jane Davis, consultant orthodontist, South Eastern Health Board; Mr. Gerry Kieran, consultant maxiofacial surgeon, Mid-Western Health Board; Mr. Pat Gaughan, assistant chief executive, North Western Health Board – now chief executive officer Midland Health Board; Ms Jane Redehan, principal dental surgeon, Northern Area Health Board; and Mr. Gerry O'Dwyer, deputy general man ager, Cork University Hospital, Southern Health Board.
The chairman of the group has informed me that the members of the group contributed to its work using a modern communications tool that enabled them to communicate by e-mail. Accordingly, the group only needed to formally meet on two occasions, namely 23 May 2002 and 1 October 2002. I also understand from the chairman that one member of the group refused to participate in the process. The work of this group will inform the development of an orthodontic action plan, which was one of the recommendations of the joint committee.