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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 4 Dec 2002

Vol. 558 No. 5

Written Answers. - Animal Protection.

Tony Gregory


311 Mr. Gregory asked the Minister for Health and Children, further to Parliamentary Question No. 181 of 6 November, if he has ensured that appropriate training has or is being provided to licensees throughout the State as required by article 2(12) of SI 17/94; the proposal he has to establish an advisory committee to oversee the implementation of the new regulations; and the extent of the consultation carried out by his Department on the new regulations. [25138/02]

Each person conducting experiments on live animals must hold a valid licence granted by my Department. The licensing procedure involves a detailed and comprehensive application process and applicants must submit extensive information on the proposed experiment including details of their experience and education.

Under the licensing regulations the experimental procedure for which a licence is being sought must be certified as being essential and that no alternative method is reasonably and practicably available. This certification must be performed by two qualified persons of professorial standing from a relevant scientific, medical or veterinary discipline before submission to my Department for licence appraisal.

The statutory signatories must certify that the applicant is an appropriate person to conduct the research taking into account their background and education. The signatories must also determine the applicants' experience and, if necessary, recommend that the applicant seek appropriate training in the use and handling of animals for research.

Licence applications are examined by my Department's CMO or by the senior scientific research officer from the Department of Agriculture and Food. He or she may recommend granting or refusal of a licence or may request that changes be made to the protocol prior to a licence being issued.

My Department has, in conjunction with the Attorney General's office, prepared regulations to give full effect to Council Directive No. 86/609/EEC on the Protection of Animals used for Experimental and other Scientific Purposes. As these regulations are in draft form and have not yet been finalised it would be inappropriate to comment further on the detail of the regulations at this stage.