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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 29 Jan 2003

Vol. 560 No. 1

Written Answers. - Overseas Development Aid.

Finian McGrath


305 Mr. F. McGrath asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs if the Government will fund a project (details supplied) in Santa Rosa de Lima in eastern El Salvador or make a financial contribution to the great efforts on behalf of the poor. [1081/03]

The Government's official development assistance programme, Ireland Aid, funds a wide range of programmes and activities carried out by NGOs, non-governmental organisations, and missionary orders in developing countries.

Projects supported are poverty focused with a key emphasis on basic education, primary health care, water sanitation, income generation, rural development, urban community development and training. The Minister of State with responsibility for overseas development assistance, Deputy Tom Kitt, has recently announced the establishment of a new, dedicated missionary development fund which will facilitate missionaries in their important development activities. The establishment of a new fund means that missionaries will have, for the first time, a dedicated budget designed to help them carry out development projects at community level. The new fund will be administered by APSO, Agency for Personal Service Overseas, which has established a close working relationship with missionaries over many years. Applications for funding may be made to the Missionary Development Fund, Ireland Aid, Bishops Square, Dublin 2, via the order's house in Ireland.

All applications for funding need to conform to a detailed set of criteria and guidelines to ensure maximum effectiveness and impact. Applicants for funding must demonstrate a capacity to carry out the tasks envisaged as well as a clear and coherent strategy to achieve the aims and objectives of the project. The guidelines are available from Ireland Aid which can also provide assistance to applicants regarding their particular project to ensure that it falls within the missionary development fund criteria.

On receipt of a completed application for funding, in this instance, a detailed assessment will be made of the project proposal with a view to possible funding.
