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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 16 Apr 2003

Vol. 565 No. 4

Written Answers. - Schools Building Projects.

Jan O'Sullivan


98 Ms O'Sullivan asked the Minister for Education and Science if his attention has been drawn to the problems encountered by the Phoenix Park special school due to the delay in its building programme; when funding will be released; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11196/03]

Architectural planning for a building project at the school is at an early stage.

The 2003 capital programme has been published. Full details of projects are available on my Department's website at

On the basis of the budgetary allocation it was not possible to include more projects in 2003. The budgetary allocation for 2004 and subsequent years will determine the rate of progress on projects that could not be included in this year's programme.

Questions Nos. 99 to 105, inclusive, answered with Question No. 80.
