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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 7 May 2003

Vol. 566 No. 1

Written Answers. - Safety Regulations.

Emmet Stagg


381 Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources if he will review the regulations on safety in angling boats in view of the negative effect they are having on angling tourism and international angling competitions; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11836/03]

I appreciate the Deputy's concerns regarding the possible effects the new passenger boat regulations, which came into effect on 1 January 2003, may have on sea angling festivals and competitions, particularly where there may be difficulties in bringing old fishing vessels up to the required safety standard. However, as Minister, my primary concern is to enhance safety at sea and on inland waterways.

In an effort to facilitate boat owners affected by the new regulations, my Department held seven information seminars at different locations around the country. The purpose of the seminars was to provide information on all aspects of the regulations in order to assist boat owners with compliance, to answer any questions that arose and to emphasise the importance of safety at sea and on inland waterways.
I fully appreciate the contribution that sea angling makes to the tourism industry, particularly in peripheral areas. Sea-angling festivals are important in tourism terms but we cannot build our tourism industry on a poor safety regime. There is a long-term benefit to the tourism industry in being able to demonstrate that the highest safety standards are adhered to in sea-angling. These regulations will provide a uniform level of safety for all passengers and crew.