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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 7 May 2003

Vol. 566 No. 1

Written Answers. - Health Board Telecommunications Infrastructure.

Paul McGrath


510 Mr. P. McGrath asked the Minister for Health and Children the costs to the Midland Health Board of upgrading and centralising its telecommunications system; if this money was allocated by his Department specifically for this work or was it from the general allocation to the board; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [12159/03]

My Department provided capital funding of €258,800 for the Midland Health Board in 2002 for upgrading its telecommunications infrastructure. It is understood that the total cost of the project was approximately €430,000 and that the Midland Health Board met the balance of the cost from its overall revenue allocation. The project involved the installation of a broadband network between the three main Midland Health Board sites, Mullingar, Tullamore and Portlaoise, as well as upgrading PBX equipment at these sites. The project provides a solid foundation for advanced ICT applications and facilitates improved access by telephone for clients of the board.
