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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 7 May 2003

Vol. 566 No. 1

Written Answers. - Registration of Title.

Michael Ring


635 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if a dealing for a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will be expedited; and when this dealing will be completed. [11724/03]

I am informed by the Registrar of Titles that this is an application under section 49 (i.e. acquisition of title by virtue of long possession) of the Registration of Titles Act 1964 which was lodged on 16 December 2002. Dealing No. D2002SM011031M refers. I understand that due to their complicated nature, applications under section 49, which require detailed examination of claims for registration as owners, can take some time to process. Accordingly it is not possible to estimate a completion date at this stage. However, I can assure the Deputy that the application is receiving attention in the Land Registry.
