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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 28 May 2003

Vol. 567 No. 6

Written Answers. - Departmental Expenditure.

Dan Boyle


218 Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for the Environment and Local Government his views on whether his Department's share of the more than ?10 million spent by Government Departments in 2002 on public relations, marketing and advertising represents best value for money; and the plans which exist to reduce spending in this area. [14671/03]

Media advertising costs of €1.633 million were incurred by my Department in 2002 mainly on foot of statutory notification requirements. There has also been a range of advertising campaigns to highlight issues of relevance to my Department including general advertising in relation to heritage functions since June 2002. The cost of retaining a communications firm to provide advice and assistance on a range of interactions between my Department and the public and media was €47,192 in 2002. There was no expenditure in relation to marketing.

I am satisfied that the expenditure overall represents best possible use of resources. Expenditure is monitored on an ongoing basis to ensure value for money and the efficient deployment of public funds. Competitive tendering procedures were employed where relevant with a view to conducting advertising campaigns in a cost effective manner.
