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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 23 Oct 2003

Vol. 573 No. 2

Written Answers. - Job Creation.

Gerard Murphy


48 Mr. Murphy asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the chance there is of procuring an industry for a factory (details supplied) in County Cork. [24614/03]

IDA Ireland is the agency with statutory responsibility for the attraction of foreign direct investment to Ireland, including its regions and areas. The agency, through its project divisions and overseas offices, is actively marketing the BES building in Charleville to potential clients in both manufacturing and international services sectors. I understand IDA Ireland has met the Charleville Chamber of Commerce to discuss the potential to secure an investor for the vacant BES facility and has also worked closely with the chamber to update profile material for the town. IDA Ireland has introduced two companies to the facility this year to date. The facility was of interest to one of those companies and IDA Ireland anticipates that this may result in a follow-up visit in the weeks ahead. However, it should be stated that ultimately it is the client company who makes the final decision on where it will locate.

At present, we are facing slow growth in the world economy with considerable political and economic uncertainties. This makes it all the more difficult to attract foreign direct investment. However, IDA Ireland's strategies have proved successful to date even in the most difficult of times and I am confident that the strategies and policies being pursued by IDA Ireland, together with the ongoing commitment of the Government to regional development, will bear fruit in terms of overseas investment and jobs for the people of Charleville.
