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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 16 Dec 2003

Vol. 577 No. 3

Written Answers. - Residential Institutions Redress Scheme.

John Cregan


303 Mr. Cregan asked the Minister for Education and Science further to Parliamentary Question No. 189 of 25 June 2003, if a decision has been made to include the two institutions mentioned in the register of residential institutions. [31209/03]

Up to 128 institutions are listed on the Schedule to the Residential Institutions Redress Act. Section 4 of the Act enables additional institutions that are identified as reformatory schools, industrial schools, orphanages, children's homes and special schools, in respect of which a public body had a regulatory or inspection function, to be added to the Schedule.

My Department has received correspondence from both individuals and survivor groups identifying a number of additional institutions that may be eligible for inclusion in the Schedule. Discussions have taken place between my Department and other Departments that may have provided a regulatory function in the operation of these facilities in order to ascertain whether these institutions are in fact eligible for inclusion. It is my intention that a list of additional institutions will be brought before both Houses of the Oireachtas as soon as the verification process is completed.
