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Tuesday, 8 Apr 2008

Business of Joint Committee.

The draft minutes of 1 April have been circulated. Are the minutes agreed? Agreed.

The correspondence received since the last meeting has been circulated. No. 89 is an e-mail from José Antonio Gutiérrez, research and development officer, Latin American Solidarity Group. Mr. Gutiérrez wishes to organise an interview with members of the committee on the EU-CAN Association Agreement, Central America and the Andean Community of Nations on next Monday morning, 14 April 2008. Do members wish to meet him?

I have already met him and his delegation privately.

Are other members available?

I will not be available.

I will try to make myself available. Is that agreed? Agreed. If other members wish to participate, they are more than welcome.

No. 90is an invitation to the Crans Montana Forum on the New Role of the Mediterranean, which will be held in Monaco from 26 to 29 June 2008. Perhaps the convenors would contact the secretariat. The referendum on the Lisbon treaty will have been held by that time, so we will have more time. I would be anxious that members participate in this forum and we will try to accommodate as many as possible.

No. 91 is a letter of thanks from Commissioner Wallström following her meeting with the committee in February. It is proposed to note it. Is that agreed? Agreed. No. 92 is an e-mail from Professor Dr. Ben Tonra, in response to the committee's invitation to address its public meeting in DCU. Professor Tonra states that he is not available to address the meeting on 10 April due to a prior commitment. I propose to note it.

Is that correct? Did I not understand Professor Tonra to state that he would not style himself as a supporter of the treaty per se? He sees his role as one in which he does his best to outline what the treaty does. I thought that put him alongside supporters of the treaty. This is a simple reality with which he is perfectly comfortable but he would argue that his role is that of an analyst rather than an advocate.

We can come back to him again at a later stage, if he is available and wishes to address the committee. He is not available to address the committee and we were talking in terms of for and against. Many of those who appear to be pro the treaty are in fact analysts and they have analysed it on the basis of claims made. That seems to cast them in the role of supporters of the treaty, but it is not necessarily so. On the basis of their evaluation of the treaty, they have decided that it means X,Y and Z and this is their conclusion. The correspondence is noted and I presume that we will contact him in the event that he becomes available. Is that agreed? Agreed.

No. 93 is a letter to the Chairman from Mr. Anthony Coughlan, of the National Platform, in relation to the Lisbon reform treaty. I propose to note it and it will be taken into account in the compilation of the report. Is that agreed?Agreed. No. 94 is a letter to the Chairman from Ms Mary Lou McDonald, MEP, regarding the committee’s regional meetings on the Lisbon reform treaty, and No. 100 is an e-mail from Ms Sinéad Ní Bhroin of the Sinn Féin press office in relation to the committee’s public sittings. Ms Ní Bhroin and Ms McDonald request that the committee would facilitate members of Sinn Féin in taking an active role in presenting the “No” side of the argument in the committee’s public sittings. There is no representative of Sinn Féin present to comment, but Sinn Féin Members of the Oireachtas have a right to attend this committee meeting and will have a right to attend public meetings held by the committee as well.

I do not want a press officer from Sinn Féin, Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil, the Labour Party or any other political party. I am sure committee members would prefer to do the job, but members may decide to go down that route. I suggest that Members of the Oireachtas, who are not members of the committee but who wish to sit on the platform at the regional meetings can do so. Is that agreed? Agreed.

For reasons of clarity, all Members of the Oireachtas should be made aware of the list of locations.

They must be notified because we will be visiting their respective areas.

May I suggest that the meetings be listed on the committee schedule produced each week?

That has been done.

Do we have speakers at this stage?

We have some, but I will deal with this further in private session. Nos. 95 and 96 are e-mails from Mr. Sebastian Busch, a student from the University of Cologne. Mr. Busch states that he is preparing a paper as part of his studies on Ireland and the European Union and wishes to have an interview with members of the committee. Do members wish to participate? The secretariat will assist him. Is that agreed? Agreed.

No. 97 is an e-mail from the clerk to the European scrutiny committee, on behalf of the Chairman, Deputy John Perry, seeking information on the committee's regional sittings. In particular, Deputy Perry wishes to know if he will be given a specific role in the joint committee's regional sittings. We will supply him with the list of sittings.

This was discussed at the Joint Committee on European Scrutiny. It was felt that it might be beneficial to demonstrate to the public the scrutiny work that committee does and I propose that we consider inviting the Chairman, Vice Chairman or whoever is available to deliver a short presentation, no more than three minutes illustrating the work of that committee, showing that Parliament has a much more central role and there is greater scrutiny of legislation following the passage of the Lisbon treaty. As I see it, the problem is to convince people of the merits of Europe as they fear that decisions will be taken without us knowing about them. The process of scrutinising the legislation will benefit this committee in selling the positive aspects of the Lisbon treaty.

On Deputy Dooley's point, I think it would be worth our while to spend time understanding how we are to discharge these responsibilities if the Lisbon treaty is passed. My understanding is that the level of responsibility will increase and it would be beneficial to consider how we will discharge that responsibility in a timely manner.

It will be quite easy to accommodate the Joint Committee on European Scrutiny in the course of our meeting in any event. It will be helpful to the work we are doing. We have already conveyed this to the committee in writing. Is that agreed? Agreed.

No. 98 is an e-mail from Mr. Brendan Butler of IBEC enclosing two press releases highlighting IBEC's position on the Lisbon reform treaty and stating that IBEC will be campaigning for a "Yes" vote in the referendum on the treaty.I propose to note them. Is that agreed? Agreed.

We also have an e-mail from Mr. Peadar Ó Broin in response to the committee's invitation to address its public meeting in DCU in favour of the Lisbon reform treaty.We will discuss this in private session.

The joint committee went into private session at 4.10 p.m. and adjourned at 4.20 p.m. until 8 p.m. on Thursday, 10 April 2008.