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Seanad Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 26 Feb 1930

Vol. 13 No. 11

University Education (Agriculture and Dairy Science) Bill, 1929—Third Stage.

The Seanad went into Committee.

On this Bill I am not proposing to make any movement to obstruct its passage, but I want to put in a formal objection to taking it without having had any explanation of its purpose. I did not intervene on the Second Reading, but this is a Bill which ought to have been explained to the House, and I think we ought to establish the usage that, at least, at any early stage in the presentation or consideration of any Bill, someone should explain what it means.

As I am a member of the Governing Body of University College, Cork, perhaps I may be permitted to say that when the scheme was first mooted in Cork in connection with the Faculty of Dairy Science a certain amount was agreed on with the Minister for Finance for a certain building. Then we were lucky enough to secure on one occasion the attendance of the President and the Minister for Industry and Commerce, who is member for the University. We showed them over the buildings of University College, and induced them to give us a stone building, which added a certain amount to the cost in excess of what had been budgeted for in the first instance. That necessitated cutting out the lecture theatre. This Bill introduces the lecture theatre again. Under the circumstances the Bill should go through, as the work is actually going on. I think this Bill is only meant to regularise it.

There is a good deal in the point Senator Johnson mentioned, that this House is not properly fitted to pass measures of legislation that it knows nothing about. It seems to me that the position bears out my contention of years ago, that the Government should have some representative in the Seanad to explain the particulars of special Bills. It is not in accordance with the dignity of the House and not in accordance with the dignity of the Government, that we should be asked to pass measures of legislation which may be important. without having any explanation of these measures. I want to reiterate my conviction—and this perhaps might be an opportunity for the Government to consider whether they should not have some representative in the Seanad who would know what measures of legislation are likely to arise, and inform the Seanad of their contents. I made that claim when the Seanad was first set up, and I think our experience has proved that it would be a very necessary and useful change to make.

Perhaps I could explain this matter. At the moment the Minister for Agriculture is engaged in the Dáil, and it is not possible for him to attend. Neither is it possible to know exactly when a particular item on the Agenda will come on. As far as this Bill is concerned the Minister explained the circumstances in the Dáil some time ago. There was an original estimate for buildings on a given site. Some objection was raised to that site being used for that purpose, and consequently another site had to be chosen. The other site chosen was contiguous to or part of University College property, and it was necessary that the new building should conform architecturally to the surrounding buildings of the University. A different estimate had to be prepared. That really is, I think, an outline of the circumstances, and the point which this Bill is intended to meet. I do not think there is any other point in the matter. I do not know if the Minister were here that he could elaborate very much on what I have said.

On the assurance of the Minister I have no objection whatever to the Bill being taken now. As we did not know anything about it I think the objection was only natural. We are fortunate in the Minister's presence as he let us know exactly what the Bill intended to do. There is no reason whatever after the Minister's explanation why the House should not pass this Bill forthwith.


I take it that Senator Johnson agrees with Senator Dowdall in this matter.

I am quite satisfied.

Bill passed through Committee without amendment.
Bill ordered to be reported.
The Seanad went out of Committee.
Bill reported.