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Seanad Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 31 May 1933

Vol. 16 No. 22

Public Business. - Railways Bill, 1933.


The Report Stage of the Railways Bill cannot be taken to-day, as the Government amendments were not received until yesterday, which is after the time limited by the Standing Orders. They were despatched to Senators in stencilled form last night, and I expect that the complete printed list will be available this afternoon. The best course in the circumstances would be for the House to order the Report Stage of the Bill to be taken to-morrow.


I give formal notice that I shall move to recommit the Bill in respect of Section 3 and the First Schedule and the amendments thereto.


I commend this course to the House, and if it is agreed to to-morrow I shall treat the following amendments as covered by the order for recommittal:—Nos. 2—19 inclusive, 40, 41 and 42.
