I think I may say at this stage that we feel very indebted to the Minister for the very expeditous way in which he has got this Bill through. It meets an urgent need and will, I believe, leave the sweepstakes much more comfortable.
Public Charitable Hospitals (Amendment) Bill, 1938—Committee and Final Stages.
That concludes the business with respect to the Bills on the Order Paper, and we now come to the motion in the names of Senators Conway and Hughes. What is the intention with regard to that motion?
I propose to move the motion.
We could leave it over until to-morrow.
I would like to convenience the House and, if it was the wish of the House, I would be prepared to postpone moving it until to-morrow. Senators have sat very patiently here all day.
Might I ask what business is left now for to-morrow's. sitting?
We have the Finance Bill to complete. So far the Telephone Capital Bill, the Industrial Alcohol Bill, the Old Age Pensions Bill, and the Presidential Establishment Bill have not been received. Then there is the resumed debate on the motion standing in the names of Senators MacDermot and Tierney, and the motion of Senators Conway and Hughes.
There is nothing to stop us sitting again on Friday?
No; it may be necessary. It all depends on the viewpoint of the House with regard to the Bills which may not reach the Seanad until to-morrow. We will be free to-morrow evening to consider whether we will take those Bills then or whether we will hold them over until Friday.
The Seanad adjourned at 8.42 p.m. until Thursday, July 21 at 3 p.m.