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Seanad Éireann debate -
Thursday, 28 Mar 1957

Vol. 47 No. 5

Supplies and Services (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1956 (Continuance) Bill, 1957—Motion for earlier signature.


Go gcomhthoileoidh Seanad Eireann, de bhun fo-ailt 2º d'alt 2 d'Airteagal 25 den Bhunreacht, leis an Rialtas in achainí chun an Uachtaráin go gcuirfeadh sé a lámh leis an mBille um an Acht Soláthairtí agus Seirbhísí (Forála Sealadacha), 1946 (Buanú), 1957 níos luaithe ná an cúigiú lá tar éis an dáta a tairgfear an Bille dhó.

That pursuant to sub-section 2º of section 2 of Article 25 of the Constitution, Seanad Eireann concur with the Government in a request to the President to sign the Supplies and Services (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1946 (Continuance) Bill, 1957, on a date which is earlier than the fifth day after the date on which the Bill shall have been presented to him.

As Senators are aware the existing Supplies and Services (Temporary Provisions) Act is due to come to an end on the 31st March and it is necessary that the present Bill be enacted before that date. That is the reason for this motion.

Question put and agreed to.