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Seanad Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 24 Jul 1963

Vol. 56 No. 19

Waterford Harbour Commissioners (Acquisition of Property) Bill, 1963: Message from Dáil.

Fuarthas an Teachtaireacht seo a leanas ó Dháil Éireann:

Tá Dáil Éireann tar éis an tOrdú seo a leanas a dhéanamh:—

"Go gceapfar Roghchoiste a bheidh le comhcheangal le Roghchoiste atá ceaptha ag Seanad Éireann chun Bille Choimisinéirí Chuan Phort Láirge (Maoin a Fháil), 1963, a bhreithniú."

The following Message has been received from Dáil Éireann:

Dáil Éireann has made the following Order:—

"That the Select Committee be appointed to be joined with a Select Committee appointed by Seanad Éireann to consider the Waterford Harbour Commissioners (Acquisition of Property) Bill, 1963."
