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Seanad Éireann debate -
Thursday, 12 Jul 1973

Vol. 75 No. 6

Order of Business.

It is proposed to take Nos. 1 and 2 on the printed Order Paper and then 2(a) and 2(b) on the roneod sheet, that is, the Banks Bill. In that connection, perhaps I should call the attention of Senators to the fact that there is also a roneod sheet showing amendments which have been made to the Bill by the Dáil. Obviously it was not possible to have a clean print of the Bill incorporating these amendments so they will have to be read into the Bill as we go along.

Might I also mention at this stage, for the convenience of Senators, that it does not seem likely that the Seanad will be sitting next week, unless some miracle happens and we get the Finance Bill, but we would be sitting the following week. As far as today goes we will be adjourning sine die. Because of the uncertainty about meeting next week it is fair to indicate to the Senators that we would anticipate sitting the following week and I am hopeful—I do not want to put it any stronger than that at the moment—that we will take Motion No. 9 on the Order Paper the following week, in addition to whatever other business we have.

Could I ask Senator O'Higgins about the Banks Bill. Is it intended to take all Stages today?

Will we have an opportunity of tabling amendments?

If Senators wish to move amendments we could arrange by agreement with the House to take them at short notice, if that is agreeable.

Could I ask Senator O'Higgins when is it likely that we will be able to take Motion No. 12?

I cannot really indicate. I think it is unlikely.

Why is it unlikely? It is a very important subject. It has been debated in the House of Commons and no doubt will be debated in the Assembly. It has been debated in the Dáil. Why can the Seanad not debate a subject of this kind? Is it that the Government have no policy on the matter, or are they afraid to declare their policy?

The reason I am pausing is I wanted to see if any other Senators wished to make any points. Since Senator Noel Browne asked me, it is quite clear and well known to all of us that the Government have a very definite policy which commands the support of the majority of both Houses of Parliament, including parties in Opposition. There have been, since this motion was put down, major pronouncements made by the Taoiseach in connection with this question. There has been a discussion in the Dáil which also enabled a major statement to be made by the Leader of the Opposition. It is also known to Senators that, even at the moment, there are certain discussions taking place between the Taoiseach and representatives from parties in Northern Ireland. I am not ruling out this discussion on the motion before we rise, but in the circumstances and, having regard to the very full pronouncements of policy made and the opportunity of discussion afforded in the other House, it is not likely.

Is there any objection to its discussion? The Senator is simply supporting my point that everybody is discussing this very important subject except the Seanad. Why is the subject being excluded from the Seanad for discussion?

Order of Business agreed to.