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Seanad Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 24 May 1978

Vol. 89 No. 3

Order of Business.

It is proposed to take Nos. 2, 1 and 3 in that order.

Arising out of the Order of Business, could the Leader tell us will we be sitting tomorrow?

The position is that if we conclude the Landlord and Tenant (Ground Rents) (No. 2) Bill by the time we rise this evening we will not be sitting tomorrow. Otherwise, we would have to sit tomorrow.

The indications are that the Landlord and Tenant (Ground Rents) (No. 2) Bill will hardly see out the rest of the day on top of the motion on the State-sponsored bodies. Therefore, I take it that we will not be sitting tomorrow.

Not if we have concluded Nos. 1 and 2.

I would like to register a protest at this, a Chathaoirleach, because we have been sitting only one day per week. There is the feeling amongst many Members that the Seanad is not being utilised to its full potential. We were all very pleased when the debate on the White Paper on the economy was arranged, an important debate on a very important subject, but all that will have been undone if this debate is allowed now to be postponed indefinitely. There are many Members who are seriously disappointed that this debate is now apparently being shelved.

I support that.

I share the Senator's regret that we are not sitting tomorrow. The position is that the Minister concerned simply cannot be here tomorrow and I think it is important that he should be here for the debate on the White Paper. It was intended to sit tomorrow to finish it. As he cannot be here, it is better to adjourn it until next week.

I appreciate that in the absence of the Minister the debate would be pointless but——

Senator Eoin Ryan to reply and conclude on the Order of Business.

With respect, a Chathaoirleach, we are discussing procedures or non-procedures for tomorrow. I just want to make the comment that I understand the pressures on Ministers and that it is not always possible for them to be here, but, having introduced the debate, it is disappointing that something has arisen which has greater priority for the Minister than giving time to one of the Houses of Parliament.

What I think would be acceptable, and I suggest the House might agree to it, is to continue the debate on the White Paper, sit tomorrow if necessary, with the reservation that the Minister be allowed half-an-hour next week to conclude but that everybody who wanted to speak on it could speak either this evening or tomorrow.

There would not be a lot of point in that suggestion because when the Minister was opening the debate he indicated to us that he was, if you like, throwing in the ball and was anxious to hear our views. It would be better, from our point of view, that the Minister would be here to hear us.

Order of Business agreed to.