I have notice from Senator Paul Bradford that, on the motion for the Adjournment of the House today, he proposes to raise the following matter:
The need for the Minister for Education to indicate when it is proposed to start a building programme at Rahan national school, Mallow, County Cork, as a serious accommodation problem will exist there in September 1987 as some of the present accommodation is extremely unsatisfactory.
I also received notice from Senator Mick Lanigan of the following matter:
The need for the Minister for Foreign Affairs to use his considerable influence to ensure that the United Nations renew the UNIFIL mandate in Lebanon which expires on 19 July.
I also received notice from Senator Brian O'Shea of the following matter:
The need for the Minister for Finance to expand the recent decentralisation programme to include other areas than those designated in order to redress regional imbalances.
I also received notice from Senator Brendan Ryan of the following matter:
The need for the Minister for Health to ensure that funds provided by him to the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children are used for the purposes he intended.
I regard all matter as suitable for discussion on the Adjournment. I have selected Senator Bradford's motion and it will be taken at the conclusion of Business. Senators Lanigan, O'Shea and Ryan may give notice for another day of the matters they wish to raise.