It is proposed to take items Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 today.
Order of Business.
What is the expected period of debate on item No. 4? It was carried in this morning's radio programme that there would be a three hour debate. Will there be a three hour debate this evening?
We had some discussion yesterday on item No. 2, the Family Law (Protection of Spouses and Children) (Amendment) Bill, 1987. I understand Second Stage, and not all Stages, will be taken today? I would welcome confirmation of that. I certainly would wish to put in some amendments to the Bill. It is a good Bill but there are issues which should be discussed on it and I would also like an opportunity to consult particularly with legal colleagues about the form of the amendments. I hope we can discuss it further on Committee Stage.
I ask the Leader of the House if it is proposed to make time available in this session for a debate on items Nos. 9, 11, 12, 15 and 17? These motions deal with the European Communities and it is now almost seven months since the topic was mentioned in the House. It would be very appropriate coming after the last summit to have an opportunity to discuss the very wide range of business.
On the Order of Business, I would like to ask the Leader of the House if he intends to make any time available during the session or in later sessions for a Bill to abolish capital punishment which was on the last Order Paper. It is a pure coincidence that the Minister for Justice is in the Gallery as I ask this question.
I did not hear the radio report this morning about item No. 4. I am not sure whether somebody leaked something to the radio programme because they could not decide we would take a particular item on the Order of Business this morning. They could not have known before we did what the Order of Business was going to be. We will not be taking item No. 4 for any more than one and a half hours today. In reply to Senator McDonald's question on items Nos. 9 and 11, 15 and 17, we will discuss those matters in due course. I am delighted he raised this point. These items are on the Order of Business for a number of years and that particular committee did not even sit. We will discuss those items in due course. We may discuss them in the first week or perhaps the second week of August. I am not too sure yet what the order will be for this.
Perhaps the first and second week in August, judging by the enthusiasm of various people we will have to sit the first, second and maybe the third week in August. I am sure Senator McDonald and those who ask for these reports to be taken will be here during those days.
On the question asked by Seator Ross on capital punishment there may be time at a future date to discuss that matter. With regard to the question raised by Senator Robinson on item No. 2, as she knows I will endeavour at all times to ensure that all Senators get a chance to deal with legislation properly. I will say no more than that at this stage.
I remind the House that Puck Fair is on 10, 11 and 12 August.
I take issue with the Leader of the House, especially in the presence of the Minister for Justice, on his remarks on the committee dealing with EC legislation of which the Minister for Justice was chairman in the last session, of which the Leader of the House was a very active member and Senator Robinson was a vice-chairman of one of the committees. It was the most hardworking committee and the fact that so many of the reports are on the Order Paper undebated is an indication of the extent of the work carried out. I think the Leader of the House may inadvertently have insulted the committee which was the most effective committee in the last Oireachtas.
I am not knocking any committee. There are a number of other reports on the Order Paper that other people think should take precedence. I particularly think of items Nos. 8 and 20 which many people have been pushing.