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Seanad Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 17 May 1989

Vol. 122 No. 17

Business of Seanad.

I wish to announce for the information of the House that arising from the complaint made by Senator Jack Harte over last week's television coverage of the expression of sympathy for the late Deputy Frank Cluskey a letter has been received from RTE saying the omission of Senator Harte in the expression of sympathy in that programme is profoundly regretted and was due to a technical mishap.

May I make a comment on that?

The only person to comment should be the Senator to whom it applied.

As the leader of the Labour group may I put on record the fact that we also received an apology from RTE. We accept it was a technical problem although it was an unfortunate one and it should not have happened. On behalf of the Labour group I want to say we were formally notified of that.

I had not intended to speak but I feel I must say something. It arises from the fact that I have received a letter from a Mr. Wesley Boyd objecting to my comments. He feels the way I commented made it look as though I was accusing him of editing me out——

Senator I would prefer at this stage that we did not name people. If the letter was private——

He asked if I would clear his name in the Seanad Chamber and I am trying to do that. When I rang Telefís Éireann and asked with whom I could raise the complaint I was put through to some lady and in my irritation I forgot her name. She told me the best thing to do would be to ring Mr. Wesley Boyd the following morning. Naturally I assumed he was the person who would deal with the complaint. I mentioned him here. I would like to go on record as saying that if it came across in the record that I was accusing him of being insensitive or indolent, that was not intended. My complaint was with whoever was responsible for the editing. If Mr. Wesley Boyd feels offended about that, I would like to put on record that there was no intention to do that. I understand he cannot be available at five minutes notice for somebody ringing up with a complaint as he has a job to do. I would like to place that on the record and apologise to Mr. Boyd if he felt I was doing the wrong thing.

Thank you. I have notice from Senator Denis Cregan that, on the motion for the Adjournment of the House today, he proposes to raise the following matter:

The delay by the Minister for the Environment in giving the go-ahead to the downstream river crossing in Cork.

I also received notice from Senator Katharine Bulbulia of the following matter:

The need for the Minister for Finance to clarify the position of Water-ford in the Government decentralization programme by identifying the State agency or agencies to be located there and by giving a firm projection of the stage processing of the relocation.

I also received notice from Senator Paul Bradford of the following matter:

In view of the recent High Court judgment on Mallow Hospital the need for the Minister for Health to state clearly his support for the continuance of full general hospital services at Mallow.

I also received notice from Senator Donie Cassidy of the following matter:

The need for the Minister for Communications to call on the RTE Authority to change their present policy on radio and demand a higher percentage of Irish-produced MOR programmes on the air.

I regard the matters raised by Senators Cregan, Bulbulia and Bradford as suitable for discussion on the Adjournment. I have selected the matter raised by Senator Cregan and it will be taken at the conclusion of business. Senators Bulbulia and Bradford may give notice on another day of the matters they wish to raise.

I regret I have to rule that the matter raised by Senator Donie Cassidy is not suitable for discussion on the ground of lack of ministerial responsibility.

On a point of order——

That ruling is statutory. The Senator may not raise the matter.

I will take it up with you.

I will be in my office until 11 p.m.
