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Seanad Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 23 Jun 1992

Vol. 133 No. 7

Death of Former Member. - Electoral (No. 2) Bill, 1991: Committee Stage (Resumed).

Debate resumed on amendment No. 76:
In page 53, subsection (1), lines 34 and 35, to delete ", in the presence of a member of the Garda Síochána,".
—(Senator Upton.)

Is amendment 76 being pressed?

Ba mhaith liomsa leanstan ar aghaidh leis an ábhar a bhí á phlé agam. Ní bheidh mé sásta go dtí go bhfaighidh mé leithscéal.

I have disposed of the matter you raised.

Níl sé socraithe go ndéanfaí a leithéid de dhíspeagadh ormsa.

Senator Ó Foighil, I have disposed of that matter——

Tá mé a iarraidh ort, a Chathaoirligh, go gcuirfí leithscéal——

I have ruled that you must leave the House for today's sitting.

Ní féidir liom glacadh leis sin — níl sé ceart ná cóir.

I ask the Acting Leader of the House to name the Senator.
