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Seanad Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 14 Oct 1992

Vol. 134 No. 2

Adjournment Matters. - Matters of Concern to Members.

I would like to raise the issue of means tested unemployment assistance as introduced by the Minister for Social Welfare last July. Since the 29 July, where an applicant is in insurable employment for one, two or three days per week, those earnings are assessible for unemployment assistance. This also applies where earnings are casual as in the case of casual dockers. This has serious implications for people like dockers and firemen who have raised these issues with the Minister.

The situation I am most concerned about and wish to raise here is the position of casual dockers at Foynes, County Limerick. They find that without notice their unemployment assistance has been reduced dramatically, to different levels for different people. They are assessed on the period April to August. They received no prior warning that this was going to happen so they had no opportunity to budget in advance of its introduction. Their income has now been reduced to a totally unacceptable level. They are unable to survive and the MidWestern Health Board has had to intervene to guarantee their sustenance. This is most unfair and I question the legality of considering earnings between April and August or September in calculating their means. Why was it not based on last year's earning as in all other calculations? This has serious implications for the dockers because their highest earnings is from April to September. The Minister should look seriously at what he is doing here. He is punishing people who declare that they are working while on unemployment assistance and forcing them consequently into the black economy.

The Seanad adjourned at 8.30 p.m. until 10.30 a.m. on Thursday, 15 October 1992.
