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Special Committee Fisheries Bill, 1938 debate -
Tuesday, 13 Jun 1939


Question proposed : " That Section 19 stand part of the Bill."

The McGillycuddy

I should like to know if a person who has actually been convicted of an offence against the fishery laws will be eligible for election at the next election. I ask this question particularly because we have, at present, two persons on our board one of whom has been convicted five times and another of whom has been convicted once. We had a third member who died. I do not think that it is really desirable that persons who have been convicted within a short time should act as conservators.

Dr. Ryan

This Bill can be brought into operation section by section. This is a section which I should be inclined to bring into force immediately the Bill is passed. I do not know, however, how these conservators would stand as regards the remainder of their term.

The McGillycuddy

This is an important matter so far as fishery protection is concerned.

Dr. Ryan

As the section stands, I am not sure whether or not they would be disqualified immediately, but I think they would be.

Section 19 agreed to.