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Special Committee Registration of Business Names Bill, 1963 debate -
Friday, 12 Jul 1963


I move amendment No. 2 :

In subsection (1), between lines 31 and 32, to add a new paragraph as follows :—

" (f) Every person who carries on more than one business and does not in carrying on each such business describe himself by the same Christian name."

I have come across cases where a man was carrying on one business in the name of, say, Francis Murphy and another business in the name of Gerard Murphy while in fact his full name was Gerard Francis Murphy and he was codding two sets of people at the same time. I am quite sure that, if he is registering, he must register himself by any Christian name which he uses for anything. I am not absolutely certain that the law does not make him do so already but I want to put it beyond question.

In fact, I think it does.

Then I am happy.

If he has Francis Murphy over one shop and Gerard Murphy over the other shop, it could be replaced by just the name Murphy over both and he would not have to register then. You will see that from paragraph (b) which——

But they are his true Christian names. He was christened Gerard Francis Murphy. They are both his names.

I am advised that it follows from paragraph (b) that an individual who has two Christian names but who uses only one in his business name must register.

Fair enough.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.
Section 3 agreed to.