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Special Committee Wildlife Bill, 1975 debate -
Tuesday, 2 Nov 1976


Question proposed: "That section 65 stand part of the Bill."

This section is designed, in the main, to apply certain provisions which relate to game species in the Firearms Act, 1964, to the broader wildlife concept of the Bill viz. to protected wild birds and protected wild animals. This aspect is covered in subsection (1). The effect of this section is to substitute protected wild birds and protected wild animals for game and to bring the conception of game as we heretofore understood it to include all protected wild birds and protected wild animals.

Does the conception of wild animals and wild birds include game?

" Game " has a much wider connotation than it had. " Game " now includes all protected wild birds and all protected animals which are specified in open season orders.

Why do we refer to the Wildlife Act, 1975?

When this Bill comes into operation it will be the Wildlife Act, 1975.

Is there provision for that in the Bill?

If the Deputy looks at section 65——

"The Minister may, by order made after consultation with the Minister for Lands. . ."?

We are amending the Firearms Act, 1965 and we are talking about the Minister for Justice.

Question put and agreed to.