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Services for People with Disabilities.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 4 February 2004

Wednesday, 4 February 2004

Questions (189)

Denis Naughten


280 Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for Health and Children , further to Question No. 230 of 2 December 2003, if he will report on the meeting of 21 October 2003; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [3386/04]

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Additional funding amounting to €643 million has been invested in health funded support services for people with disabilities since 1997. A sum of €370 million has been provided for services to people with intellectual disability and those with autism.

This includes an additional €25 million in current expenditure which was made available by the Minister for Finance in the 2004 budget for services for people with disabilities.

Some €18 million is being used to provide additional emergency placements and extra day services, especially for school leavers and to enhance the health related support service for children with an intellectual disability and those with autism.

The balance of the €25 million is being used to enhance the delivery of health and personal social services to people with a physical and sensory disability and for service enhancement at the Central Mental Hospital.
