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International Day of the Family.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 11 February 2004

Wednesday, 11 February 2004

Questions (240)

Eamon Ryan


305 Mr. Eamon Ryan asked the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the input her Department will have in the international conference planned for 13 and 14 May 2004 with regard to the international day of the family; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [3817/04]

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The conference in question is being hosted by me as part of the celebrations of the tenth anniversary of the international year of the family and in conjunction with the EU Presidency. This conference, entitled "Families, Change and European Social Policy" will take place in Dublin Castle on 13 and 14 May and will mark, at EU level, the tenth anniversary in the run up to the international day of the family on 15 May.

This conference is being designed, in line with the objectives of the year, to focus on the demographic, economic, political and social changes affecting families, with particular reference to EU policies in this field. It will also provide a forum for exchanges on the latest policy developments. The conference will also be one of the first international social policy conferences of the enlarged Union, following formal enlargement on 1 May.

My Department, in co-operation with the EU Commission, is currently making the preparations for the conference and a draft programme is being prepared. The conference's departure point is a view of the family as a valuable and key resource in society and will facilitate three types of discussion: the role of families in European societies, the nature of family life today, how it is changing and the positive contributions which the family makes to society and social life; the challenges facing contemporary social policy in Europe from the perspective of families and family change; how future social policy on families should be configured.

I am aware of the interest being raised in regard to the Irish Presidency in general and social policy issues in particular and I look forward to progressing this agenda actively during our Presidency. I will arrange for a copy of the conference programme to be forwarded to the Deputy when it is finalised.
