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Summer Works Scheme.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 30 March 2004

Tuesday, 30 March 2004

Questions (163)

Aengus Ó Snodaigh


277 Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Education and Science if his attention has been drawn to the fact that the summer work scheme application by a school (details supplied) in Dublin 8 was not successful despite the fact that the works required are of an urgent nature, including a leaking asbestos roof; his views on the proposed works which are of an emergency nature in view of the exposed, decaying and dangerous condition of the asbestos roof and that this building is a school; and when he proposes that works will be accommodated in his Department’s capital grants schemes. [9968/04]

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An application under the summer works scheme was received from the management authorities of the school to which the Deputy refers. All applications received were assessed and categorised by reference to the criteria detailed in appendix B of the circular letter governing the scheme — Prim 34/03.

In the context of the available funding and the number of applications for that funding, attention was focused on the priority one project as determined by each school. A list of these projects was compiled, each of which was then categorised in accordance with the published criteria. The available funding was then distributed on a top down basis in accordance with the categorisation hierarchy. Generally, priority one projects in categories A, B and C were allocated funding unless a reason presented not to allocate funding. In the case of this school, I understand that the identified key priority project was assigned a category lower than C.

The Office of Public Works is managing the asbestos remediation programme in schools on behalf of my Department. The OPW has been asked to examine the state of the asbestos roof of the school and to carry out remedial works where necessary.
