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Departmental Properties.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 30 March 2004

Tuesday, 30 March 2004

Questions (318)

John McGuinness


432 Mr. McGuinness asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if the lease is still in place between his Department and the landowner for the lands at Dublin Road, Kilkenny; if so, the amount paid to date; if the Department intends to continue this arrangement indefinitely; if he considers this to be good value for money; if he intends to review the arrangement; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9619/04]

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As I have indicated in my replies to previous parliamentary questions, the site in question is currently the subject of litigation and in the circumstances it would be inappropriate for me to make further comment. Matters relating to the current lease arrangement are appropriate to the Office of the Public Works.
