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Higher Education Grants.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 5 May 2004

Wednesday, 5 May 2004

Questions (109)

Joan Burton


104 Ms Burton asked the Minister for Education and Science if he can examine the case of a person (details supplied) in Dublin 15 who has been refused a grant in respect of her PhD programme in sociology and ethnic studies at NUI Maynooth; when her grant will become payable and the problems that exist in relation to the payment of this grant. [12829/04]

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Under the terms of my Department's higher education grant schemes, grants are not payable to candidates who already hold a post-graduate qualification and subsequently pursue another post-graduate course at the same level, irrespective of whether or not funding was previously awarded. The schemes, however, provide for progression at postgraduate level. The schemes provide that candidates who already hold a post-graduate qualification, or qualifications, and are progressing to a further post-graduate course at a higher level — which represents progression from the level at which the previous post-graduate qualification or qualifications were attained — may be deemed eligible for grant aid.

My Department understands that the student to whom the Deputy refers already holds a master's degree and that in the current academic year she commenced a PhD programme in sociology and ethnic studies at NUI, Maynooth. My Department understands that the general practice at the college, as with a number of others, is initially to register students at MLitt level and, subsequently, transfer them to PhD level once a progress review has established satisfactory performance in their studies. The student in question had been advised that she was ineligible for grant assistance under the prescribed terms and conditions of the higher education grants scheme on the basis that she already held a masters degree and was again registered at the same level — MLitt — in the current academic year.

Additional details have recently been submitted to my Department which indicate that the student was transferred to the PhD degree register at the college in March 2004. My Department has requested additional clarification in relation to the additional material received. The case will be re-examined by my Department on receipt of same.
